We are living in a time where we are forced to wake up. To understand what is fake and what is real, you have to know the essence of Kali. She is the destroyer of all that is fake about your perceptions of life, the world, of relationships. She will liberate your from your unreal self (ego), transform you into your highest potential, and set you free. The knowledge of That, that is beyond time and space; your true essence.
Danger ahead:
You are just about to play with the burning fire that will dissolve everything that you know
The Kali Tantra retreats feed themselves by the power of the tantric goddess Kali. Destroying all that is fake, all conditioning, to guide you to your most liberated power. You will unfold your potential & discover that it is not about ‘hard work’ to be a man or a women but about being authentic.
This retreat does not aim at creating a spiritual identity for you. It does not want to give you a new set of rules, or a set of tools or techniques. It wants to liberate you from all that is conditioned, as well as from any other belief that might be holding you back from what you truly want out of life.
Isabell and Marcia teamed up for this retreat: with the energy of Kali running through their spirit. They dedicated themselves to serve people in reaching their highest potential. Facilitating a movement, a platform for New Paradigm Leaders to rise. For men to get out of the shadows and to ignite their inner fire. For women to get out of the shadows and to embrace their fierce love.
It is our conviction that we need polarity in order to get clarity on your purpose and heal the feminine and masculine wounds. It is our calling to serve men and women by bringing them back into their own power, to serve humanity. This is a safe space: non-judgemental and respectful, no exchange of bodily fluids.
Note: Kali Retreats are for woman and men
Listen to how those of the Kali Family describe our retreats:
Upcoming events

Save your spot!
If you don’t want to miss the opportunity to take part in the next retreat, put yourself on our waiting list without obligation and you will be the first to be informed about the exact location and pricing. Please write the date of the retreat in the subject line so that we can assign you. We look forward!
Kali Tantra Retreats
what’s waiting for you:
For all levels
Preparing the body & mind for tantra
Basics of Tantric Goddess Kali
Basics of feminine and masculine dynamics
Power centers of the feminine and masculine
Experiencing the 3 stages of the masculine and feminine
Diving deeply into feminine & masculine pain bodies
Facing the victim-perpetrator-savior dynamics
Facing Judgement. Learning Leadership
Practicing focus & surrender
Experiencing Shakti
Energy and Shiva energy
Establishing sexual energy in the body
Kali Sadhana
Carried out by

Isabell Froe
Founder of the Kali Academy

Dr. Julie-Maria
Head of the Academy
Step into your deep masculine essence. Find out your Warrior Archetype and see through the veils of Mr Nice guy illusions. Know your purpose and why you are here on this planet at this moment in time. You have a natural devotion towards Shakti and her fierce love for you. The Warrior archetype is about taking a good look at yourself. Dealing with old pain and transforming it into FIRE. Practicing honesty and integrity. And standing for your own healthy masculine value system.
You feel the calling of the Temple Goddess and Sacred Prostitute. A deep devotion towards Shakti as the Divine Mother. Your body is the temple of healing and transformation. You feel your Shakti Powers growing and want to learn how to canalize this. Kali fascinates you because she is inside of you. Embody your Shakti Energy to open the masculine to the potency of penetrating the world with his divine energy. The Sacred Prostitute brings back in women the ancient longing of being at service to the Goddess.
We are a part of the same Light Tribe
We are waiting for YOU
Let this retreat be a platform for you to expand in your most empowering potential and full force.
Prices range from $970 to $1500
depending on where the retreat takes place.
Accommodation and food are included.
The one-day retreats cost $150.
Seats are limited, first come first served.
You will receive an answer within 48 hours, and you will be informed if your application has been accepted.
Now – let’s dive.